Együttműködési lehetőség ERASMUS projektben
2024-11-22 08:15:55
Egy ún. ERASMUS+ Small Scale projektben történő együttműködési lehetőséget teszünk közzé.
Tisztelt Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesületi Vezetők, Kedves Bajtársak!
Szeretném a figyelmetekbe ajánlani egy horvát tűzoltó egyesület kezdeményezését, amelyben az alábbi felhívás alapján magyarországi egyesületi partnert keresnek. Kérem, hogy részvételi szándékotokról december 5-ig az MTSZ Irodát tájékoztatni szíveskedjetek.
Bajtársi Üdvözlettel:
Dr. habil Cziva Oszkár tű. ezredes
nemzetközi és képzési bizottságvezető
Magyar Tűzoltó Szövetség
We are a small volunteer firefighting organization from Croatia called Dobrovoljno vatrogasno društvo Trebovec (DVD Trebovec).
What is the purpose of this email?
We kindly ask you for the recommendation of a voluntary firefighting association from your country with which we could collaborate on the ERASMUS project. If possible, we would be very grateful if you can forward their contact to us or forward this email to them.
More about us...
We are located near Ivanić-Grad, a city 30 minutes away from the capital, Zagreb. We are very proud of our youthwork, and we would like to improve it even further. Recently, we have been thinking about joining up with another volunteer firefighting organization within the Erasmus Small Scale KA2 project to learn and exchange knowledge about youthwork in volunteer firefighting.
What is our vision for Eramus Small Scale project?
Our vision is to create a handbook with good practices for youthwork in volunteer firefighting organizations, which will be written from our 2 perspectives (Croatian and yours). Until the final version of the handbook, there will be a few international meetings, workshops, and stuff trainings organized by each participating country. The assumed duration of the project is one year. This is our starting point, but everything is up for discussion. Also, we would be a leading organization so all the paperwork will fall on us.
What even is Erasmus Small Scale project?
If you are not familiar with Erasmus KA2 projects, here is the link to the official website: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/programme-guide/part-b/key-action-2
Here is a link to information about small-scale partnerships: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/programme-guide/part-b/key-action-2/small-scale-partnerships
Where can you find us?
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through our social media (Facebook, Instagram, @DVD Trebovec (also linked in email signature)) or email at dvdtrebovec1921@gmail.com.